sundays @ Compass
We can’t wait to see you Sunday, and we’ll be there every step of the way if you need us. But if you want to get prepared ahead of time, you’re in the right place.

Sunday Worship In-Person | 8AM, 9:30AM, 11AM & 4:30PM
Sunday Worship Online | 9:30AM, 11AM & 4:30PM
(Facebook and Youtube)
When you arrive, our parking team will direct you to an available spot. Guest parking is reserved close to the building. If you have kids, take the outer loop and park in the lot at the back of our property.
Before you head into worship, don’t forget to grab a cup of coffee from the lobby - we’ve got all the fixins.
Our parking team, welcome team, kids team, and safety team are all here to help! If you have a question, just find someone with a lanyard & name badge.

Our services have a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with contemporary worship music and scriptural teaching. Our services last about an hour, and — when we say, “come as you are,” we mean it! We hope you’ll be encouraged by the worship, the message, and by those you meet while you’re here!
Each Sunday we take time to reflect and celebrate Jesus' gift to us by taking communion. It's an open invitation for all those who are baptized believers to remember his love and grace for us.
You will be directed to pick up the communion bread + juice at a specific time during the service, but if you’d prefer you’re welcome to pick up your communion before service starts.
If you are our guest, we do not ask that you give, but consider the service our gift to you. Giving is an opportunity for those of us who call Compass home to give back to God and the work of His church.
Drop-off boxes are located in the Activity Center for you to place your offering. You can also give online.

COMPASS KIDS CHECK-IN | birth - 5th grade
If it’s your first Sunday with us, we want to meet you! Come see us at the Compass Kids Welcome Desk located in the Compass Kids Lobby.
ASL Interpretation
We want to provide opportunities for everyone to hear about the love of God so we offer ASL interpretation during our 11:00 service every Sunday for our deaf community.
If you are in need of these services, you will find our interpreters in the front left section of our worship center each week. We have saved seats just for you!

What are your services like?
All 4 of our services each Sunday are identical. We want to make sure that no matter which service time works best for you and your family, you won’t miss anything!
Each service has a time of worship, with mostly contemporary worship songs, a time of communion and remembrance, and a scripturally based message.
What should I wear to church?
We really mean it when we say “come as you are.” We want you to be comfortable when you join us for worship; whether that means jeans and a t-shirt, a suit, a dress with a “church” hat, or anything in between!
What about my kids?
There are kids classes available for children birth-5th grade at all 4 services. Compass Kids has so much to offer your family, be sure to check out all the details.
If you have a teenager who is in middle or high school, there is a Sunday school class for them during the 9:30AM service. No matter their age, there is an awesome group of teens that would love to welcome them in, so go ahead - meet the C.R.E.W.
Is there an opportunity for me to go to an Adult Class?
There sure is! We have a great list of small groups that meet throughout the week, and a few of them meet on the Compass campus on Sunday morning!
We have a Ladies Sunday school class that meets in “The Corner” during the 9:30AM service (right across the hall from worship).
There is another Adult class that meets in the Compass Chapel (or the “front building” as many call it) during the 9:30AM service - all are welcome!